Octal 16-Bit DAC in Tiny SSOP-16 Package, Same Board Space as an SO-8
2003년 08월 10일
트위터로 보내기페이스북으로 보내기구글플러스로 보내기
Linear Technology introduces the LTC2600, an octal 16-Bit VOUT DAC in a 16-pin narrow SSOP package. Alternative solutions require twice the board space of the LTC2600. Also available in 12-Bit and 14-Bit versions, these tiny DACs guarantee monotonic performance with Differential Non-Linearity (DNL) of LSBMAX that is critical in control loop applications. The devices consume only 250uA per DAC and drop to 44nA per DAC in power-down mode. High resolution, small size and low power make these low cost octal DACs ideal for digital calibration, portable instrumentation and industrial process control applications. The LTC2600 (16-Bit), LTC2610 (14-Bit) and LTC2620 (12-Bit) feature an easy to use interface and buffered rail-to-rail outputs for high density closed loop applications. A 3-wire serial interface controls each DAC simplifying transmission through isolation barriers or to remote locations. Each of the eight DACs can be simultaneously updated with a different input code. An asynchronous clear input clears the double-buffered input registers and sets the outputs to zero, easing system initialization and reset. The DACs deliver rail-to-rail voltage outputs over a wide 2.5V to 5.5V supply range. A full-scale transition on seven of the eight DACs causes less than 10uV change in the eighth DAC; this effectively eliminates crosstalk as a source of error. The LTC2600 family is available in a 16-pin SSOP package and screened for both commercial and industrial temperature ranges. Pricing starts at $14.00 each for the LTC2600, $11.00 each for the LTC2610 and $7.75 each for the LTC2620 in 1,000-piece quantities.
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